Drone Detection and Countermeasures For The Events
Movable Detection and Countermeasure Anti-drone Solution

Recommended Products: UAV integrated investigation and attack system, UAV strike gun, and integrated inspection and attack defense system to monitor on-site conditions in real time, which can reduce the security burden and detect hidden dangers in advance. It is equipped with a portable strike gun to quickly deal with and resolve hidden risks and ensure the safety of the sports meeting. Held successfully.

Defense Strategy: Integrated detection and attack defense + portable strike gun

Industry NeedsWith the technological development and widespread use of drones, situations such as leakage of commercial resources, candid privacy photography, security of large public events, and personal injuries caused by improper operation of illegal drones often occur in public security scenarios. How to avoid drones? The adverse effects caused have become issues that organizers of public events have to think about.

Army Drone Detection and Countermeasures Project
Movable Anti-drone Detection and Countermeasure Solution

Recommended Products: Full-frequency radio detection, drone detection radar, full-frequency radio interference.

Defense Strategy: Full-frequency radio detection + detection radar + radio interference

Industry NeedsCivilian drones equipped with high-definition image collection equipment can realize some of the military reconnaissance capabilities that could only be achieved by military reconnaissance aircraft in the past. Compared with traditional aircraft such as military reconnaissance aircraft, civilian drones have the characteristics of low flying altitude, slow flying speed, and small body size. This makes it common for civilian drones to be used by spies to steal military secrets. Military bases and Troop stations should strengthen protection against civilian drones.

Defense Project of A Certain Army
Car-mounted Dection and Counterattack Anti-drone Solution

Recommended Products : Radio detection equipment, radio jammers, vehicle-mounted drone defense systems can adjust their response mechanisms according to different threat levels, from simple warnings to actively jamming or neutralizing drones.

Defense Strategy: UAV detection equipment, jamming equipment. Build an anti-drone three-dimensional security system to realize the full-process prevention and control operations of "pre-planning, early warning, identification, positioning, tracking, and disposal" of drones.

Industry Needs Civilian drones equipped with high-definition image collection equipment can realize some of military reconnaissance capabilities that could only be achieved by military reconnaissance aircraft in the past. Compared with traditional aircraft such as military reconnaissance aircraft, civilian drones have the characteristics of low flying altitude, slow flying speed, and small body size. This makes civilian drones used by spies to steal military secrets from time to time. 

A Drone Defense Project At Aviation Airport
Fixed Mounted Anti-drone & UAV Solutions

Recommended Products: detection equipment, interference equipment, deception systems

Defense Strategy:  detection equipment (customized), interference equipment (customized), deception system (customized)

Industry Needs In recent years, civilian drones have been flying "blackly" and disrupting navigation caused by "random flying" at airports around the world. Relevant tests show that a 400-gram drone can smash the windshield of a helicopter; a 2-kilogram drone can cause "serious damage" to the windshield of a passenger plane. Even a small drone may damage the windshield of the aircraft or get involved in the engine, causing serious consequences.

Drone Defense Project For A Prison
Fixed-mounted Drone Dection& Counterattack Solutions

Recommended Products: UAV detection equipment, jammer equipment, detection radar equipment

Defense Strategy: Detection equipment (customized), interference equipment (customized), detection radar

Industry needs: Prison cells are a special area of high risk and seriousness. Have good security measures on the ground, such as high walls, electronic fences, sentries, cameras, etc. But there is a lack of defense measures in the low air above the ground. With the popularization of civilian drones, the problems brought by drones to the safety management of supervision sites have become more and more prominent. It is not uncommon for drones to break into the sky above prisons and be used for prison smuggling, prisoner communication inside and outside, and secretly taking photos of prison interiors. For using drones to steal the specific conditions inside the prison, causing leaks, and even being used by people with ulterior motives to escape from prison or rob prisoners.

The Prison Drone Defense Project
Fixed Drone Detection and Countermeasure Solution

Recommended Products: UAV detection (customized), UAV interference (customized) .

Defense Strategy: Customized detection equipment + Customized jamming equipment

Solution Introduction: The system can quickly identify, locate and interfere with illegal drones, provide security over prison sites, start with one click, and carry out intelligent countermeasures against drones according to the plan.

Industry Needs: With the popularization of civilian drones, incidents of drones intruding into prisons are becoming more and more frequent, and prison security is facing an extremely severe situation. More and more prison management agencies have begun to strengthen drone prevention and control capabilities.Prison cells are a special area of high risk and seriousness. Regular prison guards have good security measures on the ground, such as high walls, electronic fences, sentries, cameras, etc. But there is a lack of defense measures in the low altitude above the ground. 

A Natural Gas Plant Drone Defense Project
Fixed Mounted Detection and Attack Anti-drone Solution

Recommended Products: Integrated inspection and beating system, timing protection equipment,

Defense Strategy: integrated detection and attack system

Industry Needs Petroleum and petrochemical facilities are first-level key protection units for national security management and anti-terrorism prevention, and are also key units for national safety production management. However, in recent years, the phenomenon of drone flying has caused increasingly serious secret theft and security problems for oil production and refining enterprises. , the petroleum and petrochemical industry has a greater responsibility for UAV defense and low-altitude safety precautions.

For Power Plant Drone Defense Project
Fixed Mounted Anti-drone Solutions

Recommended Products: UAV deception system, timing protection equipment

Defense Strategy: UAV deception system, timing protection equipment

Industry Needs In recent years, as the number of civilian drones has increased year by year, security incidents caused by uncontrolled drones flying "indiscriminately" and "flying illegally" are also increasing. Drones interfere with the normal operating order of power plants, transmission grids and other power facilities, causing serious consequences. Therefore, the construction of power grid facilities for drone prevention and control has gradually been put on the agenda by relevant national departments.

The Hydropower Station Drone Defense Project
Fixed Mounted Anti-drone & UVA Solutions

Recommended Products: UAV deception system, radio detection equipment, deception system transmission power ≤10mw (meeting anti-terrorism prevention requirements) certified by the National ROC, ultra-long-distance detection + silent UAV countermeasure defense system.

Defense Strategy: integrated detection and decoy defense

Industry Needs In recent years, as the number of civilian drones has increased year by year, security incidents caused by uncontrolled drones flying "indiscriminately" and "flying illegally" are also increasing. Drones interfere with the normal operating order of power plants, transmission grids and other power facilities, causing serious consequences. Therefore, the construction of power grid facilities for drone prevention and control has gradually been put on the agenda by relevant national departments.